Day out

Oh Holy Night
Now for some bit of history on this beautiful christmas carol
O Holy Night" ("Cantique de Noël") is a well-known Christmas carol composed by Adolphe Adam in 1847 to the French poem "Minuit, chrétiens" by Placide Cappeau (1808-1877), a wine merchant and poet. Cappeau was asked to write a Christmas poem by a parish priest. It has become a standard modern carol for solo performance with an operatic finish.

Born: October 25, 1808, Roquemaure, France.
Died: August 8, 1877, Roquemaure, France
According to Placide, he wrote the poem, “Minuit Chrétien” (O Holy Night) in a stagecoach to Paris, between Mâcon and Dijon. More likely, this famous Christmas carol was written by Cappeau in the usual way. Despite Adolphe Adam calling his tune “la Marseillaise religieuse” (The religious Marseillaise), In the carol, the singer recalls the birth of Jesus. It was translated into English by Unitarian minister John Sullivan Dwight, editor of Dwight's Journal of Music in 1855, and lyrics also exist in other languages.
Adams had been dead for many years and Cappeau and Dwight were old men when on Christmas Eve 1906, Reginald Fessenden, a 33-year-old university professor and former chief chemist for Thomas Edison, did something long thought impossible. Using a new type of generator, Fessenden spoke into a microphone and, for the first time in history, a man's voice was broadcast over the airwaves: "And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed," he began in a clear, strong voice, hoping he was reaching across the distances he supposed he would. Shocked radio operators on ships and astonished wireless owners at newspapers sat slack-jawed as their normal, coded impulses, heard over tiny speakers, were interrupted by a professor reading from the gospel of Luke.
To the few who caught this broadcast, it must have seemed like a miracle, hearing a voice somehow transmitted to those far away. Some might have believed they were hearing the voice of an angel. Fessenden was probably unaware of the sensation he was causing on ships and in offices; he couldn't have known that men and women were rushing to their wireless units to catch this Christmas Eve miracle.
After finishing his recitation of the birth of Christ, Fessenden picked up his violin and played "O Holy Night," the first song ever sent through the air via radio waves. When the carol ended, Fessenden read another selection from the book of Luke: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will." The Christmas program was picked up as far south as Norfolk, Virginia; when the program was repeated on New Year's Eve, it was heard as far away as the West Indies.
Since that first rendition at a small Christmas mass in 1847, "O Holy Night" has been sung millions of times in churches in every corner of the world. And since the moment a handful of people first heard it played over the radio, the carol has gone on to become one of the entertainment industry's most recorded and played spiritual songs. This incredible work--requested by a forgotten parish priest, written by a poet who would later split from the church, given soaring music by a Jewish composer, and brought to Americans to serve as much as a tool to spotlight the sinful nature of slavery as tell the story of the birth of a Savior--has become one of the most beautiful, inspired pieces of music ever created. The
Here are the lyrics
O Holy Night
O! Holy night! The stars, their gleams prolonging,
Watch o'er the Eve of our dear Saviour's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error, longing
For His appearance, then the Spirit felt its worth.
A thrill of hope; the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! O, hear the angel voices!
O night divine, the night when Christ was Born;
O night, O holy night, O night divine!
Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts we stand by the Babe adored.
O'er the world a star is sweetly gleaming,
And come now, Shepherds, from your flocks unboard.
The Son of God lay thus w'thin lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our Lord.
He knows our need, our weakness never lasting,
Behold your King! By Him, let Earth accord!
Behold your King! By Him, let Earth accord!
Truly He taught us to love one another,
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Long live His truth, and may it last forever,
For in His name all discordant noise shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With all our hearts we praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
My Secret Santa

Bad day
Projects on needles to be finished
Try it and see what colour you are
What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.
Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.
scary!!!!and very accurate
cosy tea pot!!!

What next
well my Hubby was laid off that great job to-day. It's devastating!!! and no warning the company went bust over weekend and as he only started a few months ago no redundancy's pay and it's 23 days to CHRISTMAS so now we are back to square one again and I don't know if I should laugh or cry honest!!!
My worry and hubby's is him getting another job before Christmas and because he turns 50 next year and then there is his heart condition, what next I wonder????


Thank God I don't have to buy Christmas for all in Ireland I would need to take out a big bank loan,or even knit/crochet for them I would have to start knitting/crocheting in beginning of the year for that Christmas, so we just send cards and letters, told ya I had a big Family

My 1 day away
yes you saw it right I was going to Belgium, just for one night.

and then on to Dover for 2am sailing.
All was going well till we got to Darby, the car parts were not ready and wouldn't be ready till
10.30/11, which meant we might not make the 2am sailing and we would have to wait till the 4am sailing wasn't really looking forward to have to be waiting around for hours in cold docks,but
it turned out the company in Darby were good and got truck loaded by 10pm and off we went to Dover and just made it, with about half hour to spare Phew!!! we boarded the ship and
off we sailed to .Dunkerque..

At that hubby looked at me and I just burst out laughing, can't write the rest cos it's full of bleeps lol lol so I told hubby to find parking spot and we can go for coffee and maybe we can ask someone else, that will understand what we are looking for, to cut long story short we eventually got to airport only to discover that the place we were delivering to was not at airport but near it, so I had to ring company and be directed to where it was situated, which by the way was no-where the airport!!!

white cliffs of Dover
and another night away from home, so we got unloaded in Portsmouth and hubby was fiddling with his sat nav whilst trying to steer and I'm telling him to pull over and fiddle with sat nav, he gets pulled up by the police, the police officer said "sir do you know why we pulled you over??

A Biscuit or Cookie????
50g/10tsp/1 3/4oz butter
125g/1/2 cup/4 1/2oz caster sugar
1 egg beaten
50g/1/2 cup/1 3/4oz plain flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 baking powder
175g/2 cups/6oz porridge oats
125g/3/4 cup/41/2oz of raisins
Lightly grease 2 baking sheets, In a large bowl cream tog the butter,sugar until creamy, add the egg gradually and mix well, sieve the flour,salt,baking powder into mixture and mix well, now add porridge, raisins mix well..
Place spoonfuls of mix on to baking trays and flatten with the back of your spoon, spread apart cos it will melt, bake in a preheated oven 180C/350F/gas 4 for 15/20 minutes, sprinkle with extra caster sugar while they are still warm and then leave to cool, and then ENJOY!!!!!
so here are the rules..
1) Link to your tagger and list all these rules in your blog.
2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by including links to their blogs
4) Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog..
1) I collect elephants and dragonflies ornamentals ones,
2) I once done a 20miles walk with Jimmy Saville and the Bay City Rollers
3) I once crashed my ex's husbands car and never told him, and when he came home from work I pretended to noticed the broken headlamp and blamed him lol
4) I have a eye disease called Blepharitis also known as red eye
5) I have a phobia of snakes even toyplastic ones
6) I don't like sports
7) I was once the lead singer in a church choir, and thats only 10yrs ago
I'm Tagging
Stuck Inside These Four Walls,
Sent Inside Forever,
Never Seeing No One Nice Again Like You,

Mama You, Mama You.
If I Ever Get Out Of Here,
Thought Of Giving It All Away
To A Registered Charity.
All I Need Is A Pint A Day
If I Ever Get Out Of Here.
New Skin
Hubby says's it wont stay that way for to long, cos I will get fed up eventually, looking at same page, like I do with furniture in house, because I kept shifting it around, because I get fed up looking at it in the same place, I had to remind him I don't do that now, well haven't done it in a long long time, not since I got bad with my back.I remember as a child my mother (god rest her soul) used to do it all the time, we as kid's would come home from school and she would have shifted the furniture around every week or so, and then put it back in the same place again once she even had stripped wallpaper from walls even though it was only decorated months before,because she didn't like the pattern on wallpaperI once heard my granny saying "moving things in house all the time means a restless soul looking for prayers" wow my mum must have been on her knee's all the time then lol now don't know if that's true, more than likely a old wives tale, strange saying the old wives tales????


These are a pair of wrist warmers, that I knitted with a dragonfly on them,my own design, I only knit them to see if I could do it, and from picture in my head and scribbles on paper, antenna's I sewed on after, they were a bit fiddly cos of wool tangling on me plus I knit them on 2 circular needles 2 at the same time, but I still enjoyed knitting them...

Two down One to go

Well here they are, only 2 crochet so far, but I have to say they turned out better than I had expected, my friend came to visit and I gave her the yellow one for her Grandson to be (not born yet) and she was over the moon with it.The other blanket is for my stepgrandson due any day now, and the other blanket I have yet to start is another grandson expected in January, so I have a bit of time for that one.
The pattern I haven't a clue where I got it from I found it on a sheet of paper in a folder that I had written on cos it was a short pattern, It's Sc and 2 Dc all in the same chain, it works up beautifully and doesn't need an edging, so if anyone reading this knows where it came from let me know....
Now all I have to do is order some more wool, for 1 more blanket well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it lol
Will Young???
Got the video for the new song, on you tube, don't really get the video, have a look let me know what you think???
My Appeal!!!
I got into my wheelchair which I hate, and waited and waited, cos the dwp were running late, anyway eventually I got to see them, and the questions began, when did I injure my back, when did I have operation, what was doctors name, tablets I was on and why???dahhhhhhh for the pain, how do I manage to use loo at night,how do I use bath, how do I dress my self etc answered all their questions, even though they had a file with all this information on it, doctor's reports, hospital reports,even the pain management clinic reports, and they still want questions answered, anyway the upshot of it all was..... I was refused it, because I could walk around house with the aid of sticks.....I was gobsmacked....

I left there feeling real small and a fool to have put myself through all that and for nothing
I cried most of the way home, in fact I felt so down hubby wanted to take me around Sheffield and suggest go shopping to a wool shop, but I was so gutted and demoralised all I wanted to do was just go home, which we did, and I still haven't got over it yet, 3 yrs fighting this appeal for nothing, and the worst of it all is I know people on higher rate of disability and there is nothing wrong with them, but that they are great blaggers, It's so unfair.....
They worked out!!
These are gloves, well they are really called wrist warmers, They worked out OK I knitted them 2 at the same time on the circular needles,and added a thumb, but you could leave out the thumb if you wanted, so the sock principle was the same, and also quick to knit, so guess what some of my family will find in their christmas socking...
These were knitted with dk wool 2 strands together and cable down the middle, which I think gives them a nice effect, these ones are mine just for wearing around house now that the cold weather is here oh and I have also learned how to do the Kitchener stitch which is good because it gives a nice finish to socks...
I have started a pair of fingerless gloves, there are called wrist warmers and knitting them on 2 circular needles like I knit the socks, I think it's more or less the same principles as socks well that's my thinking we'll have to wait and see if it works out.....
beaded wristbands

more socks

Oh Dear what can the matter be....
Ben on the other hand got out on me today one minute he was in back garden next he was gone and I had to go look for him,now here is where all the problems start. (1) there was no-one else in house, so I would have to go out, (2) I suffer from panic attacks, and (3) I can't walk very far.
I rang hubby, who by the way was in London delivering something or other, and told him what was happening, what he was supposed to do I didn't know, well I did really, (he would come charging up to house like my knight in shining armour on a white horse with Ben and all would be OK again) yeah as if... well a girl can dream..
Back to story, hubby stayed on phone as I walked with my 2 walking sticks in hand down our street, and he kept talking to me all the time,I had my mobile ear thingy in before you ask, I was only about 6 houses down from my house when panic set in, the what ifs??? and still no sign of the dog, and my swearing to my-self was getting worse, thank God there was nobody around because if they saw me, moving very slowly and talking and swearing to myself, they would think I was let out for the day from the loony bin.
I hadn't a clue what my hubby was saying cos I didn't really hear him but I knew he was there, another few houses down a car drove by me, and I was willing it to stop and be someone I knew as you do, but no it didn't stop, and then out of no-where a woman was calling me, and asked me if I lost a dog, I said yeah, she found him down her street which is miles from my house and he was in back of her car because she was driving out of her driveway and she nearly ran him down, so she decided to drive around to see if anyone was out looking for him and saw me, with an empty dog lead in my hand, she was very nice and even asked if I wanted a lift home, and guess what I said......No thank you I only live a few houses away, I was so embarrassed cos I was panicking and felt so so stupid, when I eventually got bk to my house I cried with relief, 1 I found dog and 2 I was back home safe and sound..
Projects finished
I have finished some projects that I had half done last weekend,(just so I could well have a clear out so to speak)so I had some amigurumi's cats and hats oh and an elephant,(which I'm most proud because it is my own pattern) I also came across in a bag a project finished just the sewing up and stuffing and I haven't a clue what it is, all I know is, it is an amigurumi of some sort, and because I don't know what it is I don't know what pattern to look for, there are 8 pieces ah I will find out what it is eventually lol...
Anyway my daughter saw the cats in my Picasa photo album and she wants them, and then came the " mam can you also make me a penguin/pig/turtle, I think they are soooo cute" also some sock's, and a pair for bed to keep my footie's warm"
I ask ya, she must think I do nothing all day but knit, well she is half right, after housework is done, that's when I can do some and that would be a good day, if my back and leg's let me,because it is very hard to do some housework while trying to hold on to walking sticks, I then can relax and do some knitting/crocheting, all depends on my mood...
Getting on great with the circular needles, and knitting 2 socks at same time is great!!! no more sss (second sock syndrome) yippee
My first pair of socks knitted on 2 circular needles 2 at the same time..and this is next pair started
Hats knitted on circular needles, a ribbed one and cabled one ,and the model is my son lol ...