Got this new gaget to-day in post it's a lap frame for holding your cross stitching in place so your both hand's are free to use also it helps to take away the cramp you sometime's get in your hands while holding your hoop/frame all the time, I bid on about a week ago on e-bay and forgot I did and as you can see I won !!!!and I was the only bidder too, only problem is I bought a standing frame to from craft site it'hasn't arrived yet, but I think I will wait till the standing frame comes and see which one is better to use and then sell the other one on e-bay
Here is a piece of the stitching I am doing its the True Oriental Beauty the most graceful geisha, the pattern is from The world of cross stitching issue 151, I have decided to do it on 14count aida and the aida is pink in colour I think it show's off the colour better, in fact since I started this 2weeks ago, I have become obsessed with Geshia's so I have collected a few so far and have ordered some more threads to do some oriental fans and another geshia .
So I can't wait to finish this one and I won't be giving this one away this is for me hee hee