Hubby says's it wont stay that way for to long, cos I will get fed up eventually, looking at same page, like I do with furniture in house, because I kept shifting it around, because I get fed up looking at it in the same place, I had to remind him I don't do that now, well haven't done it in a long long time, not since I got bad with my back.I remember as a child my mother (god rest her soul) used to do it all the time, we as kid's would come home from school and she would have shifted the furniture around every week or so, and then put it back in the same place again once she even had stripped wallpaper from walls even though it was only decorated months before,because she didn't like the pattern on wallpaperI once heard my granny saying "moving things in house all the time means a restless soul looking for prayers" wow my mum must have been on her knee's all the time then lol now don't know if that's true, more than likely a old wives tale, strange saying the old wives tales????