Hubby's socks

My first pair of socks, knitted on circular needles, and I found knitting them great compared to dpn, they knitted up fairly quickly too it seemed, so now thats something new I have learned to do, My other half said they are great for his work boots, and very comfy and that he want's some more, so it looks like Iam going to have to learn how to do the 2 at the same time then, oh it should be fun!!!!

Birthday pressies

These are some of my Birthday pressies,I was giving money to get what I wanted myself, so here is what I got...
The book I ordered from amazon and was delivered Saturday, which was great!!!
pink wool from wool market and my friend got me the rest of wool, lemon/cream

I also got some bamboo circular needles, forgot to take photo.

Necklace from my friend and this beautiful card with removable dragonfly to hang in window, very unusual card.So I had a good birthday....

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