I was trying to work out what I did to upset the God's or what I did in my former life to deserve more bad news this year!! My Husband having just recovered from a heart attack a few months ago and starting a new job which was great for him cos he was starting to doubt himself and his ability to ever do anything again and also to provide for his Family was his big thing and he was looking great and starting to feel better in himself, loving his job as it meant that I could travel with him sometimes and that was just to get me out of house which was great for me as I'm housebound anyway what am I babbling on about ????
well my Hubby was laid off that great job to-day. It's devastating!!! and no warning the company went bust over weekend and as he only started a few months ago no redundancy's pay and it's 23 days to CHRISTMAS so now we are back to square one again and I don't know if I should laugh or cry honest!!!
My worry and hubby's is him getting another job before Christmas and because he turns 50 next year and then there is his heart condition, what next I wonder????
well my Hubby was laid off that great job to-day. It's devastating!!! and no warning the company went bust over weekend and as he only started a few months ago no redundancy's pay and it's 23 days to CHRISTMAS so now we are back to square one again and I don't know if I should laugh or cry honest!!!
My worry and hubby's is him getting another job before Christmas and because he turns 50 next year and then there is his heart condition, what next I wonder????