Going to watch the new Harry Potter movie The half blood prince have ordered it on sky will watch it after the X Factor....

This is my blog where I can share my knitting/crochet/cross-stitching and whatever else comes to mind
Now I know that song it's Elvis Presley from the movie GI Blues
Doesn't it make you feel good when you do something nice for a friend or people,
and they really appreciate it, never mind the X factor, it's called the Feel Good Factor
and this little fella >>>>>>>>>
I was devastated to hear the news that Michael Jackson had passed away, I was a big fan since I was 12yrs old old,the first song I heard was ABC, and I want ya back, plus I loved the TV show every Saturday morning the Jackson five, he was a legend and a great great artist, his music will always live on, and I can only say what everyone else is saying on internet "the world has lost a legend" and from me "Michael rest in peace and may the angels bring you home on gentle wings you will be missed and you are not alone......
Here is another finished cross stitch project, butterflies in flight,
I only put blue card around it for effect, will have to frame it...
I bought these 2 pair of scissors